
Player Roster

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Last Name First Name Starting Hole
Aird Noah -
Albertson Tony -
Arduino Tom -
Babicz Matt -
Bartley Tyler -
Bechtold Brian -
Bechtold Roger -
Belmonte Joe -
Bohlin Daniel -
Bohlin Greg -
Bohlin Zachary -
Brand Andries -
Buck Bob -
Buck Matthew -
Byrne John -
Cabanin Victor -
Carlson Bob -
Christians Jeff -
Christians Lauren -
Conley Curt -
Corbett Chris -
Corlett Tommy -
Crawford Erik -
Cummins Danny -
Davies Tim -
Dombek JJ -
Dombek Joe -
Elder Andrew -
Featherstone Larry -
Flory Matt -
Frankel Ryan -
Frazier Mike -
Frey Ed -
Frobish BJ -
Giesel Jeff -
Gill Bill -
Goede Chris -
Gollwitzer John -
Hahn Nick -
Hahn Shane -
Haines Keith -
Haley William -
Hausen Alex -
Heerdt Ethan -
Heinking Ben -
Heinking Jenelle -
Henley Mike -
Hitzel Connor -
Hitzel Don -
Hitzel Jim -
Hitzel Spencer -
Holst Adam -
Holst Ian -
Hubbard Matt -
Inden Rick -
Jauch Kasey -
Johnson RJ -
Karras Jim -
Kawiecki Peter -
Kelly Aaron -
Kelly Chris -
Kemling Jim -
Kent Joe -
Klaas Tom -
Klemczak Rob -
Kolodziej Stephen -
Kroeger Sean -
Kunz Jeff -
Lackage Jr Ron -
Lackage Sr. Ron -
Lake Bob -
Launhardt Danny -
Lazzarotto Tim -
Lee Doug -
Lunkes Jeff -
Mannina Jason -
Marchan Keith -
Marchen Brian -
Marchen Nathan -
Martindale Tom -
Matusiewicz Jason -
Mazza Mark -
Mazza Matt -
McAleese Jim -
Mele Mike -
Messina Pete -
Miller Denny -
Mishler Matt -
Mocka Joe -
Money Mike -
Moore Brandon -
Moore Cody -
Moreau Ryan -
Morreale Billy -
Mueller Nick -
Murphy Rob -
Nawrocki Brian -
Nawrot Alex -
Neilson Kyle -
Nelson Kevin -
Newcomb John -
Norris Chuck -
Norton Pat -
OConnor Bill -
Pacini Ron -
Pacini Ronnie -
Pare Kevin -
Paulson Dave -
Paulson Keith -
Piepho Ross -
Porter Ray -
Reichelt Fred -
Roberts John -
Robertson Brian -
Robertson Michelle -
Sarno Adam -
Schlarb Matt -
Schuman Dan -
Schweizer Mike -
Smolens Mark -
Snell Charvey -
Snider Mike -
Sobey Austin -
Steinmeier Jake -
Straub Chris -
Strebel Kurt -
Sydanmaa Jeff -
Tegtman Cayden -
Trebes Jared -
Usyak Brad -
Walters Christopher -
Walters Todd -
Walz John -
Webber Kevin -
Wenderski Al -
Willert Kurt -
Williams Dave -
Wirth Nick -
Wirtz Ray -
Wirtz Scott -
Zielinski Mike -
Zieman Bob -
Zoellick Scott -
Zurek Dave -